Posts Tagged ‘ crossing ’

19 May, 2015 Official launch of The Adventures of John Salad by author Tarquin Namaste

19 May, 2015 Official launch of The Adventures of John Salad by author Tarquin Namaste

The Adventures of John Salad - Courtesy TN 2015

The Adventures of John Salad – Courtesy TN 2015

The Adventures of John Salad

The debut title from young philosopher Tarquin Namaste. Written in a ‘flash’ of seven weeks in late 2013, during an experience that subsequently changed his life and compelled him to write about his journey of spiritual metamorphosis.




The Author

Tarquin Namaste Courtesy DGNetworks 2014

Tarquin Namaste Courtesy DGNetworks 2014

Tarquin Namaste is an English writer and musician born in the northern town of Blackburn, located in the county of Lancashire. His home town of Accrington in the borough of Hyndburn and former heart of traditional textile manufacturing, now represents a repressed socio-typical working-class narrative, firmly imprinted into its culture. The end of an era in manufacturing and industry prevalent in the final decades of the twentieth century, left the town forever stripped of tradition and heritage. Now in the new millennium it contends for government subsidies with bordering towns including notably, Burnley and Blackburn. Intrinsic to the northern culture and its ‘left behind’ status, music with its contentious lyrics continues to play an important role. Tarquin subsequently grew up with this inherited wave of musical consciousness. Fascinated with the subliminal messages of modern music, prompted him to study the art form at college. Later as a student at Salford University (Manchester England) he studied music and musical theory. This included research on the principle sociological elements marked by earlier folk traditions of the 1700’s through to modern-day genres.

As a graduate of Salford University (BA Hons) in Popular Musicology he became interested in the Indie culture and a ‘branch off’ known as the post-punk revival. From the latter of these and prominent between the years 2000 and 2006 emerged Bloc Party, The Strokes, Franz Ferdinand, Interpol and Artic Monkeys. These influences led to the formation of his own band Moral Panic (2009 – 2013) and features in the Adventures of John Salad. In recent times Tarquin has gained significant interest in the genre known as frequencies; in particular the advent of 432Hz. “This is where I now see music to be heading within the alternative scenes, and even popular music, (all recorded and processed at 440Hz) which is being converted into this more natural frequency by ‘enlightened’ fans around the world.”

Books that have left an indelible impression upon him are ‘The Celestine Prophecy’ written by James Redfield and ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,’ the latter also featuring in the Adventures of John Salad. A book written from beginning to end in seven weeks while ‘taken-over’ by the higher forces of sheer illumination.

David William Gibbons 2013

David William Gibbons 2013

“With its magnificent magnitude of thought and deep insight, John Salad has opened the sacred door for others to walk through, so that they too can truly know the infinite.

The voice of failings, ignorance and constant periods of doubt and despair are not hidden or glossed over. This dynamic emerges through twists and turns where waves of sublime honesty work powerfully in charting the rhythmic balance of hopelessness and ecstasy that John experiences.

A journey that brings all minds to the one universal whole. A universal place where just being is really living.”
David William Gibbons – International Broadcaster

Visit the official website – The Adventures of John Salad

December 21, 2014 Crossing over the Bridge Seventy-Seven (77) in the Series

77montageDecember 21, 2014 Crossing over the Bridge Seventy-Seven (77) in the Series

Crossing over the Bridge Seventy-Seven (77) in the Series featuring Richard Barrett FRSA Chairman Barrett Values Centre and Dr. Zachary Stein Academic Director Center for Integral Wisdom & Core Faculty Meridian University (USA)

Richard Barrett (FRSA) is an author, speaker and social commentator on the evolution of human values in business and society. He is the Founder and Chairman of the Barrett Values Centre and an internationally recognized thought leader on values, culture and leadership. He is a Fellow of the World Business Academy, Member of the Wisdom Council of the Centre for World Spirituality, Honorary Board Member of the Spirit of Humanity Forum, and Former Values Coordinator at the World Bank. He is the creator of the internationally recognized Cultural Transformation Tools (CTT) which have been used to support more than 5,000 organizations in 60 different countries on their transformational journeys. To date, more than 4,000 change agents and consultants have been trained by the Barrett Values Centre to use the Cultural Transformation Tools in over 50 countries. Over the past ten years, Richard Barrett has been called upon to support the leaders of major national and multinational organisations in Australia, South Africa, Canada, UK, USA and Sweden. The focus of this work has been on helping the leaders of these organisations to improve the performance of their organisations by building values-driven cultures.

From 2007, up to the present, Richard has spearheaded the Barrett Values Centre’s work in mapping the values of over twenty nations. These include: Australia, Belgium, Bhutan, Canada, Finland, France, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Nigeria, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States. Richard has been a visiting lecturer at the Consulting and Coaching for Change, leadership course run by the Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford and HEC in Paris. He has also been an Adjunct Professor at Royal Roads University, Institute for Values-based Leadership, and a visiting lecturer at the One Planet MBA at Exeter University.


Richard Barrett is the author of The Values-Driven Organisation: Unleashing Human Potential for Performance and Profit (2013), What My Soul Told Me: A Practical Guide to Soul Activation (2012), Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations: The Impact of the Evolution of Human Consciousness on World Affairs (2011), The New Leadership Paradigm (2010), Building a Values-Driven Organization: A Whole System Approach to Cultural Transformation (2006), Liberating the Corporate Soul: Building a Visionary Organization (1998), A Guide to Liberating Your Soul (1995), and he is a contributing author to Psychometrics in Coaching (2012).

Dr. Zachary Stein

Social Justice & Education

Human Development & Integral MetaTheory

Stein’s work focuses on social justice and education through the lenses of developmental psychology and integral metatheories. He studied philosophy and religion at Hampshire College, and educational neuroscience, human development, and the philosophy of education at Harvard University. Stein was a co-founder of Lectica, Inc., a non-profit dedicated to the research-based justice-oriented reform of large-scale standardized testing in K-12, higher-education, and business. He has been published in a wide range of outlets including American Psychologist, New Ideas in Psychology, Mind, Brain, and Education, Integral Review, and the Journal of Philosophy of Education. He is also the Academic Director of the activist think-tank at the Center for Integral Wisdom, and Core Faculty at Meridian University.

Current Projects

Stein is currently working on four book projects:

Tipping the scales: social justice and educational measurement

This is an extension of his dissertation: Stein, Z. (2014). Tipping the scales: social justice and educational measurement. (doctoral dissertation). Harvard University Graduate School of Education. Cambridge, MA.

He is in talks with Harvard University Press and Routledge about publishing it as a book.

Recreating humanity: a thought experiment in the philosophy of education

The MetaIntegral Foundation has provided some support for this project, which will creatively transform some 200 pages of previously published material into a book on the philosophy of education and a critique of educational technology.

Schooling in Late-Capitalist America (with Hans Despain)

Hans Despain and Stein address issues in contemporary education from the perspective of Dialectal Critical Realism and Integral Theory.

Evolutionary love: towards an new image of humanity (with Marc Gafni)

Working with Rabbi Marc Gafni, they address philosophical issues in evolutionary theory and advance an emancipatory metatheory of evolution, best described as acosmic humanism. This is a new image of humanity’s place in the universe and an ontology of the concrete singular individual, or the Unique Self. This book is being written with the Support of the Center for Integral Wisdom.

(Misty morning, Hammond Pond)

December 7, 2014 Life and Works of Peter Russell M.A., D.C.S., F.S.P.

pr#1Peter Russell M.A., D.C.S, F.S.P.

Radio Streaming Broadcast: Sunday Omnibus December 7, 2014

Peter Russell is a fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, of The World Business Academy and of The Findhorn Foundation, and an Honorary Member of The Club of Budapest.

At Cambridge University (UK), he studied mathematics and theoretical physics. Then, as he became increasingly fascinated by the mysteries of the human mind he changed to experimental psychology. Pursuing this interest, he traveled to India to study meditation and eastern philosophy, and on his return took up the first research post ever offered in Britain on the psychology of meditation.

He also has a post-graduate degree in computer science, and conducted there some of the early work on 3-dimensional displays, presaging by some twenty years the advent of virtual reality.

In the 1970s, he was one of the first people to introduce human potential seminars into the corporate field, and for twenty years ran programs for senior management on creativity, stress management, personal development, and sustainable development. Clients have included IBM, Apple, Digital, American Express, Barclays Bank, Swedish Telecom, ICI, Shell Oil and British Petroleum.

In 1982 he coined the term “global brain” with his 1980s bestseller of the same name in which he predicted the Internet and the impact it would have. The Global Brain

His other books in include — The TM Technique, The Upanishads, The Brain Book, The Creative Manager, The Consciousness Revolution, Waking Up in Time, and From Science to God.

As one of the more revolutionary futurists Peter Russell has been a keynote speaker at many international conferences, in Europe, Japan and the USA. His multi-image shows and videos, The Global Brain and The White Hole in Time have won praise and prizes from around the world. In 1993 the environmental magazine Buzzworm voted Peter Russell “Eco-Philosopher Extraordinaire” of the year.

His principal interest is the deeper, spiritual significance of the times we are passing through. His work seeks to distill the essence of the world’s spiritual traditions and present it in ways relevant to the current times.

How to Meditate Without Even Trying








The Global Brain

pr#2Originally published in 1982 as “The Awakening Earth” in the UK and “The Global Brain” in the US, this third edition of Peter Russell’s classic work has been updated and a new Foreword added. Building on Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis, it shows how our global linking may be leading us toward an evolutionary breakthrough as significant as the emergence of life some three and a half million years ago. Heralded as a major leap in Western thinking, this book presents an empowering view of our future. It throws new light on our relationship with ourselves, each other, and the planet.




From Science to God

pr#3From Science to God is the story of Peter Russell’s lifelong exploration into the nature of consciousness. Blending physics, psychology, and philosophy, he leads us to a new worldview in which consciousness is a fundamental quality of creation. He shows how all the ingredients for this worldview are in place; nothing new needs to be discovered. We have only to put the pieces together and explore the new picture of reality that emerges.

Integrating a deep knowledge of science with his own experiences of meditation, Russell arrives at a universe similar to that described by many mystics — one in which science and spirit no longer conflict. The bridge between them, he shows, is light. From Science to God invites us to cross that bridge to a radically different, and ultimately healing, view of ourselves and the universe — one in which God takes on new meaning, and spiritual practice a deeper significance.


Books & Works by Peter Russell



FROM SCIENCE TO GOD: A Physicist’s Journey Into the Mystery of Consciousness
THE CONSCIOUSNESS REVOLUTION: A Dialogue with Ervin Laszlo and Stan Grof
WAKING UP IN TIME: Finding Inner Peace in Times of Accelerating Change
THE GLOBAL BRAIN: The Awakening Earth for a New Millennium 
THE CREATIVE MANAGER: Finding Inner Wisdom in Uncertain Times
THE BRAIN BOOK: A Users Handbook
THE TM TECHNIQUE: A Skeptics Guide
THE UPANISHADS: A New Translation with Alistair Shearer


FROM SCIENCE TO GOD: Exploring the Mystery of Consciousness



THE ART OF LETTING GO: Double CD of workshop

THE 2012 MINDSHIFT: Five meditations for turbulent times

December 10, 2014 New series “Missing persons” Featuring Dr. Bruce Piasecki

missingpersonsmontagemstplayerCommencing December 10, 2014 New series “Missing persons” Featuring Dr. Bruce Piasecki









Images Courtesy AHC Group, Inc/Bruce Piasecki © 2014

Life, Books, and Work

Dr. Bruce Piasecki—speaker, best-selling author, and classic management consultant—has worked as an active facilitator and a change agent in many complex settings. For 30 years he has built a general management consulting firm, the AHC Group, based on principles of frugality, global competitiveness, and competing on sustainability. The environment of global business is ever changing, and Piasecki is an intrepid forecaster of things that must change in firms, governments, and the NGO community.

One of the world’s leading corporate strategists and governance advisors who bases his practice on environmental and business needs, Piasecki has built his reputation through helping corporations move beyond compliance to align their operations to respond to as well as capitalize on society’s rising expectations of business.

Piasecki has helped the global car giant Toyota, for example, pursue the hybrid power train family of more fuel-efficient cars. His firm has helped Shaw Industries, a Warren Buffett firm, create a growth and sustainability leadership council in its move to bring recycled content and energy savings to the world’s largest maker of carpet and flooring. He is now helping FMC move its growth and sustainability council in the direction of more seaweed- and bio-based chemical feedstocks. Piasecki understands that global companies are subject to increasing demands from governments and civil society to operate in a manner that is respectful of various—and often competing—demands. The problems facing companies today span the gamut of financial, operational, and social concerns. Navigating these issues requires leaders skilled in both hard and soft sciences. Yet even with these skill sets, people often fail to achieve the vision set by the organization. Frequently, the assumption is that they simply “do not have what it takes” to be a real leader.

Piasecki believes that leadership can be found in people who have the courage and capacity to accept challenges that exceed their previous experience. This capacity can be developed through coaching and mentoring, as well as through a willingness of current leaders to share their histories of success and failure. His message is applicable to a far broader audience than the men and women in executive suites and boardrooms. Piasecki is able to relate the new realities of the swift and severe world of the twenty-first century to both business leaders and everyday society, providing an optimistic yet grounded vision of the future along the way.

A Trusted Advisor in the Corporate Mansion

As president and founder of AHC Group, Inc., a top energy and environmental strategy consultancy, Piasecki has served world-renowned companies such as Toyota, Suncor Energy, Hess, FMC, and Dow Chemical. The firm has specialized in energy, materials, and environmental corporate matters since 1981. Piasecki and his staff have run hundreds of benchmarking workshops for numerous multinational corporate affiliates since 1990, involving key executives in site remediation, power markets, emerging issues, and governance concerns in the evolving global marketplace. He and his team of senior associates provide critical training to leaders and leaders-to-be for some of the world’s most successful and influential organizations.

Shining a Spotlight on the Value in Teamwork

In his latest book, Doing More with Teams: The New Way to Winning (Wiley, March 2013), Piasecki debunked the myth of the superiority of the fierce individualist. While our culture will always be inspired by the concept of the lone entrepreneur blazing a path through the metaphorical wilderness, he says we must acknowledge the truth behind the famous quote attributed to Aristotle: “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Teams matter more than ever, says Piasecki, especially now that the global economy has changed the way we work. Standing out in a crowded marketplace takes constant innovation and the ability to get fast results. With the complexity of today’s workplace, even the most brilliant individual is not likely to have the skill set to take projects from start to finish. The ability to collaborate is everything—and that requires high-functioning teams. Yet all too often teams come and go, and nothing seems to change. Why do some teams achieve greatness while others become just another failed initiative? What is it about teams that succeed, and what is the mythical “it” that defines success? Piasecki weaves a lifetime of the study of the greatest thinkers and philosophers of the ages together with insights from the most hard-nosed pragmatic business and military leaders to help us understand the dynamics, the DNA, of team success.

Finding a Universal Way Forward

In his earlier bestseller, Doing More with Less: The New Way to Wealth (Wiley, March 2012), Piasecki introduced a new framework to build competitive advantage in the swift and severe world of the twenty-first century—innovation and growth through frugality. In a world of seven billion souls, where we all need to compete for value in the marketplace and in the court of public opinion, we must become like Benjamin Franklin, says Piasecki: frugal in our competitiveness, innovative in our use of teams, and diplomatic in how we discover and use social value. He deftly explains how this approach to competition is applicable not only to business leaders but individuals as well. In combination with his previous seven works on business strategy and corporate change, Piasecki has laid out a complete and compelling vision of how we all can thrive in a world that presents both endless opportunity for innovation and harsh repercussions for inaction and failure to adapt.

Redrawing the Map of the Business World

With his previous books, World Inc. (2007) and The Surprising Solution (2009), Piasecki examines a striking new phenomenon in what he calls “social response capitalism.” The concept took off, translating his work into numerous languages and settings.

As power moves increasingly into the hands of business, the world is looking to corporations instead of governments to solve its problems. Gone are the days of focusing solely on technical quality and price. Companies must center their competitiveness now on “social response,” and product positioning is an entirely new ball game in the practice areas of Bruce Piasecki and his firm.


Colette Piasecki inspired the opening chapters of Missing Persons “The Discovery of Colette” – image Courtesy AHC Group, Inc/Bruce Piasecki © 2014









Missing Persons: A Life of Unexpected Influences – image Courtesy AHC Group, Inc/Bruce Piasecki © 2014




Link to Front Matter and Vignettes from Missing Persons (lower page – under related articles)

Those who helped and shaped Dr. Piasecki are the focus of his latest work Missing Persons: A Life of Unexpected Influences. In this set of masterfully written vignettes, Piasecki channels his poetic side—a side that was first recognized at Cornell, when his little-known book of poems was published under the title Stray Prayers in 1973. The memoir, one part autobiography, one part creative non-fiction, recounts the author’s formative relationships and experiences with intimacy and longing. Meet his mother and father, his interracial brothers and sisters, his early and late business partners, his muses, his daughter, and his wife. The story is told in a unique third-person narrative that provides intrigue for readers as they follow the protagonist through loss, passion, self-invention, and a litany of fears and dreams—each revealed in eloquent prose. In the process, Bruce allows us to understand the power of memory and how it influences us. The simplicity that made Doing More With Less a bestseller makes this new work not only compelling, but also life-affirming.
Missing Persons explores the meaning and power of memory, and offers an opportunity for readers to pause, reflect, and recount the myriad influences in their own lives.



AHC Group, Inc

AHClogoaSince 1981, the AHC Group has been active in assisting organizations and individuals in the field of environmental and management strategy. As management consultants, we serve as trusted advisors to middle and upper management staff in organizations whose responsibilities include environmental health and safety, public relations, governmental affairs, corporate governance, social responsibility, communications, and investor relations. (Read a more complete history of our firm here.)
We focus on helping companies realize the business potential in environmental strategy and public issues, enhance stakeholder and investor relations, improve corporate governance and position themselves in the marketplace. As researchers, the AHC Group strives to discover what is actionable by linking the needs of corporate business strategy with external demands for new products and environmental leadership. This includes research reflected in the seven books written by Bruce Piasecki, including Corporate Environmental Strategy: The Avalanche of Change Since Bhopal (John Wiley, 1995); Environmental Management & Business Strategy: Leadership skills for the 21st Century (John Wiley, 1999), and World Inc (Sourcebooks, 2007).


Past publications

Doing more with teams 2013

Doing more with less 2012

The surprising solution 2009

World inc 2007

Environmental management and business strategy 1999

Corporate environmental strategy 1995

In search of environmental excellence 1990

April 25, 2015 David William Gibbons Confirmed Key Speaker National Health Federation Conference (UK)

National Health Federation

National Health Federation

Health Federation Organization Annual Conference April 25 2015

The Friends Meeting House and Conference Center – Manchester UK

Key Speaker David William Gibbons Transitional Strategist, Broadcaster, Historian and Writer


David William Gibbons 2006 (14 Days in Great Britain Official Portrait) Courtesy Dana Hursey Pasadena California

David William Gibbons is a transitional media strategist (Culture, Social, Human Performance and Democracy) and best known for the creation of deep ethereal dialogue, broadcast widely across the transitory and fast evolving technologies existing at the beginning of the 21st Century. His work in the humanities began at a fundamental level with the 14 days journeys across America and the United Kingdom in 2004 and 2005. During this period he found an emerging and transformational personal gift of human connection, in concert with the creation of profound photography and film. Later, at a revolutionary changing point in his life, an understanding developed in pairing historical context with human connection dynamics. This was defined and developed during 2009, through the personal exploration and extensive research of deep discussion and narrative in audio and video mediums. This period also marked a time of introspection and intense hardships through which he traveled, until such time as the platform upon which his material resides found its mark. The programming and rich dialogue have since developed and advanced to where an extensive and powerful legacy now exists. Today, these dialogues continue to expand based upon the transformation of a challenged planet. Distinguished individuals and groups from all over the world have participated in deep conversations, the latter of which are charted through international panels on the well-respected Crossing over the Bridge series. The most notable of these include the late Dr. Brian O’Leary Astronaut and Author, with whom he recorded over 28 hours of dialogue and engaged in hundred’s of hours of personal conversations outside of the regular broadcasting schedule. A close friendship and mutual respect developed between the two individuals heavily reflected and resonating in the work that they created together. Dr. Brian O’Leary passed in July 2011. It is considered in many circles, that the material created between the two individuals represents the greatest body of conversations currently known to be in existence during Dr. O’Leary’s life. His work continues with an underscore of quiet discernment, deliberating upon wide-spread issues of which free energy and evolving conscious human behavior define the backbone of a core and determined mission. Through an open and ever-deepening form of dialogue, the views of people and realities continue to build upon his long believed view that this current time reflects this “the generation of all generations.” ( js/ny 07/14)


National Health Federation

Established in 1955, the National Health Federation is an international nonprofit, consumer-education, health-freedom organization working to protect individuals’ rights to choose to consume healthy food, take supplements, and use alternative therapies without government restrictions. With consumer members all over the world, and a Board of Governors and Advisory Board containing representatives from 7 different countries, the Federation is unique as being not only the World’s oldest health-freedom organization for consumers but the only one accredited by Codex to attend and speak out at meetings of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the highest international body on food standards.


In the 1950s we fought and won the battle for mandatory inspection of poultry.
In the 1960s we coordinated a major drive to help chiropractor become legally licensed in over 40 states.
In the 1970s we waged very successful campaigns against fluoridation.
In the 1980s we pushed through legislative recognition of acupuncture.
In the 1990s we lobbied to pass the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act S-784, fought malathion spraying, promoted public education on the dangers of vaccinations, and continued fighting the fluoridation battle.
In the 2000s we are working to prevent the Codex attempts to restrict your freedom to take vitamins and minerals and we are currently taking action to defeat the Senator Durbin Bill (S.722) that seeks to restrict DSHEA with his move to require dietary supplement manufacturers to submit Adverse Event Reports, to institute a pre-approval process with the FDA for all dietary supplements that are stimulants, and to re-classify anabolic-steroid dietary supplements as Controlled Substances. The other NHF battles include opposing S.1780, S.1538, H.R. 207 and H.R. 3377 (considered the Son of Durbin bill). We are also supporting health-promoting legislation such as the Access To Medical Treatment Act and a repeal of the Kefauver Amendment of 1962 that gave the FDA expanded authority over drug “efficacy” and thus the ability to play favorites with drug companies. We are fighting alongside other countries against a major health freedom threat, one whose goal is to harmonize vitamin and supplement laws that strictly regulate natural health foods worldwide.

The National Health Federation Declaration of Health-Freedom Rights

1. The right to control our own bodies – to decide what food, drink, and medicines to take and use, and what food, drink, and medicines not to take.
2. The right to supplement our diets with vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and enzymes without government restrictions.
3. The right to receive alternative medicine and treatments (such as those provided by chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopathic doctors, massage therapists, and clinical nutritionists) without government restrictions.
4. The right of alternative medical practitioners to determine and use those treatments best suited for their patients without government restrictions.
5. The right of manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements to provide truthful research and label information about the benefits of supplements and other health aids.
6. The right to discuss and disseminate truthful natural-health information. The FDA, the FTC, and other government agencies should not be allowed to prevent health organizations such as the National Health Federation from disseminating this vital information.
7. Freedom from international Codex Alimentarius Commission standards that would greatly restrict all of the above rights on behalf of a small elite that has gained control of governmental health agencies. We view this and other governmental actions as the greatest threats to our health freedom today.
8. The freedom to eat clean, fresh food without pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, poisons, or irradiation.
9. The right to breathe clean air and to drink water free of harmful chemicals such as fluoride.
10. The right to protect ourselves and our children from unnecessary and often dangerous, childhood vaccines.
11. The right of our military men and women to refuse to submit to mandatory vaccines such as anthrax.
12.The right to keep our medical records private and confidential.

Scott Tips


Scott Tips President National Health Federation

Scott Tips received his Bachelor of Arts degree, magna cum laude, from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1976, studied at the Sorbonne (Paris I) from 1976-1977, and obtained his Juris Doctorate degree from the University of California, Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall) in 1980, where he was the Managing Editor of the California Law Review. A California-licensed attorney, he was admitted to the California Bar in 1980 and has specialized in food-and-drug law and trademark law, but also engages in business litigation, general business law, and nonprofit organizations, with an international clientele. Since 1989, Mr. Tips has been the General Counsel for the National Health Federation, the World’s oldest health-freedom organization for consumers. In 2007, Mr. Tips became NHF President, and has been a speaker for the organization on several continents.

A legal columnist, he writes a monthly column for Whole Foods Magazine called “Legal Tips,” a column he started in 1984. Currently, Mr. Tips is occupying much of his time with health-freedom issues involving the Codex Alimentarius Commission and its and other attempts to limit individual freedom of choice in health matters. In that capacity, he has recently compiled, edited, and published a book on the subject entitled Codex Alimentarius – Global Food Imperialism. He also attends Codex meetings worldwide and has attended more Codex meetings than any other health-freedom activist.


November 27, 2014 Author Geoffrey Jowett – The Power of the I AM


November 27, 2014

Listen/view to broadcast

Geoffrey Jowett

Geoffrey Jowett is an intuitive medium, author, and educator. Through public talks and workshops, he helps others on their journey of enlightenment by recognizing that each of us is an eternal and infinite part of God, and that our sole purpose in life is to perpetuate divine love. In his role as a medium and intuitive, he offers active learning workshops to help people develop their ability to communicate with departed loved ones and spirit guides. The author of What’s Cooking in Heaven Grandma and Hope for Parents Who Have Lost Children, he lives in Palm Springs, CA.



The Power of I AM: Aligning the Chakras of Consciousness

14-0122c The Power of I AMThe essence of our being is a fully integrated energy system of consciousness. The Power of I Am shows how we can work with this energy and transform and optimize our human energy body by working with the chakras. Through a series of prayers, affirmations, music, crystals, poems, and simple yoga poses, readers learn to maintain a balanced and harmonious continuous flow of energy through each chakra, leading to an increased sense of peace, harmony, and balance. Offering insights about the continuity of life, the laws of nature, and discovering ways to connect to our higher self, The Power of I Am leads to a path of healing and achieving our greatest potential.

“The Power of I Am is the perfect guidebook for anyone interested in higher consciousness and truth. Geoffrey Jowett has a profound understanding of how to integrate the powerful forces of the chakra system into everyday life, and he teaches us how to maintain meaningful awareness through the alignment of our energy systems.” Michelle Cromer Author of Exit Strategy Thinking Outside the Box

“Jowett takes readers on a soulful journey into the self for the purpose of spiritual transformation.  The Power of I AM is a guide to be used over and over again, when facing life’s challenges.” Teresa L. DeCicco, author of Living Beyond The Five Senses.

November 9 2014 Sunday Omnibus Crossing over the Bridge Seventy-Five Panel Richard Barrett FRSA Author and International Speaker & Annalise Jennings Director Dynamic Exchange

strip75Crossing over the Bridge Seventy-Five Panel Richard Barrett FRSA Author and International Speaker & Annalise Jennings Director Dynamic Exchange




Richard Barrett FRSA, Annalise Jennings & David William Gibbons © 2014

Listen to program.


rb1Richard Barrett (FRSA) is an author, speaker and social commentator on the evolution of human values in business and society. He is the Founder and Chairman of the Barrett Values Centre and an internationally recognized thought leader on values, culture and leadership. He is a Fellow of the World Business Academy, Member of the Wisdom Council of the Centre for World Spirituality, Honorary Board Member of the Spirit of Humanity Forum, and Former Values Coordinator at the World Bank. He is the creator of the internationally recognized Cultural Transformation Tools (CTT) which have been used to support more than 5,000 organizations in 60 different countries on their transformational journeys. To date, more than 4,000 change agents and consultants have been trained by the Barrett Values Centre to use the Cultural Transformation Tools in over 50 countries. Over the past ten years, Richard Barrett has been called upon to support the leaders of major national and multinational organisations in Australia, South Africa, Canada, UK, USA and Sweden. The focus of this work has been on helping the leaders of these organisations to improve the performance of their organisations by building values-driven cultures.

From 2007, up to the present, Richard has spearheaded the Barrett Values Centre’s work in mapping the values of over twenty nations. These include: Australia, Belgium, Bhutan, Canada, Finland, France, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Nigeria, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States. Richard has been a visiting lecturer at the Consulting and Coaching for Change, leadership course run by the Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford and HEC in Paris. He has also been an Adjunct Professor at Royal Roads University, Institute for Values-based Leadership, and a visiting lecturer at the One Planet MBA at Exeter University.


Annalise Jennings

aj3Annalise as the director of Dynamic Exchange has over 25 years experience in senior roles in financial services and other sectors including property and small business. Annalise is an experienced facilitator and has led business transformation in project management in large organisations and has an extensive background in risk management and organisational culture. This experience has been gained through working in India, Australia & New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Annalise has spoken on transformation and maximising human potential in a variety of business and community forums.

Annalise is passionate about teams and helping them discover healthy working relationships and celebrating success and empowerment. Annalise balances her time between key corporate engagements, her part-time career as an alternative health practitioner and has always combined her working life with parenting and study. She strongly believes in human potential and is a passionate advocate of ethical corporate and individual behaviour in the business community.

Annalise’s qualifications include a post-graduate diploma in project management. She is affiliated with the Risk Management Association of Australia and is a member of the International Association of Counsellors and Therapists.

aj1Dynamic Exchange is the trusted partner in business and community transformation. Our mission is to support individuals, teams and communities to reach their fullest potential through discovering healthy working relationships and celebrating success and empowerment.

We believe in human potential and we are passionate advocates of ethical, corporate and individual behaviour in communities and in business.

Dynamic Exchange helps individuals and communities to:

Balance financial security

Build harmonious relationships

Build a sense of self-worth through a positive self-image

Set the agenda for change and maturity through a mindset of accountability and ownership

Develop a sense of community spirit through shared vision and an infrastructure that supports future growth

Build alliances with others by sharing solutions and partnering for joint projects

Build a legacy for future generations. Be recognised as market leaders


aj6Napranum (meaning meeting place of the people) was the site of Weipa Presbyterian Mission from 1932 to 1965. Before 1932, the original Weipa Mission was situated near Spring Creek on the upper northern reaches of the Embley River. On 1 February 1966, the church handed over control to the Queensland Government and the mission became known as Weipa South settlement. During the late 1960s the name Napranum was increasingly used by the community.

October 19, 2014 Sunday Omnibus Crossing over the Bridge Seventy-Three Panel Richard Barrett FRSA Author and International Speaker & Tarquin Namaste Author and Musician

strip73Crossing over the Bridge Seventy-Three Panel Richard Barrett FRSA Author and International Speaker & Tarquin Namaste Author and Musician




Richard Barrett FRSA, Tarquin Namaste & David William Gibbons © 2014

Listen to program.


rb1Richard Barrett (FRSA) is an author, speaker and social commentator on the evolution of human values in business and society. He is the Founder and Chairman of the Barrett Values Centre and an internationally recognized thought leader on values, culture and leadership. He is a Fellow of the World Business Academy, Member of the Wisdom Council of the Centre for World Spirituality, Honorary Board Member of the Spirit of Humanity Forum, and Former Values Coordinator at the World Bank. He is the creator of the internationally recognized Cultural Transformation Tools (CTT) which have been used to support more than 5,000 organizations in 60 different countries on their transformational journeys. To date, more than 4,000 change agents and consultants have been trained by the Barrett Values Centre to use the Cultural Transformation Tools in over 50 countries. Over the past ten years, Richard Barrett has been called upon to support the leaders of major national and multinational organisations in Australia, South Africa, Canada, UK, USA and Sweden. The focus of this work has been on helping the leaders of these organisations to improve the performance of their organisations by building values-driven cultures.

From 2007, up to the present, Richard has spearheaded the Barrett Values Centre’s work in mapping the values of over twenty nations. These include: Australia, Belgium, Bhutan, Canada, Finland, France, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Nigeria, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States. Richard has been a visiting lecturer at the Consulting and Coaching for Change, leadership course run by the Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford and HEC in Paris. He has also been an Adjunct Professor at Royal Roads University, Institute for Values-based Leadership, and a visiting lecturer at the One Planet MBA at Exeter University.

Tarquin Namaste Author and Musician

ab1p-mrNamaste is an English writer and musician born in the northern town of Blackburn, located in the county of Lancashire. His home town of Accrington in the borough of Hyndburn and former heart of traditional textile manufacturing, now represents a repressed socio-typical working-class narrative, firmly imprinted into its culture. The end of an era in manufacturing and industry prevalent in the final decades of the twentieth century, left the town forever stripped of tradition and heritage. Now in the new millennium it contends for government subsidies with bordering towns including notably, Burnley and Blackburn. Intrinsic to the northern culture and its ‘left behind’ status, music with its contentious lyrics continues to play an important role. Tarquin subsequently grew up with this inherited wave of musical consciousness. Fascinated with the subliminal messages of modern music, prompted him to study the art form at college. Later as a student at Salford University (Manchester England) he studied music and musical theory. This included research on the principle sociological elements marked by earlier folk traditions of the 1700’s through to modern-day genres.

As a graduate of Salford University (BA Hons) in Popular Musicology he became interested in the Indie culture and a ‘branch off’ known as the post-punk revival. From the latter of these and prominent between the years 2000 and 2006 emerged Bloc Party, The Strokes, Franz Ferdinand, Interpol and Artic Monkeys. These influences led to the formation of his own band Moral Panic (2009 – 2013) and features in the Adventures of John Salad. In recent times Tarquin has gained significant interest in the genre known as frequencies; in particular the advent of 432Hz. “This is where I now see music to be heading within the alternative scenes, and even popular music, (all recorded and processed at 440Hz) which is being converted into this more natural frequency by ‘enlightened’ fans around the world.”

Books that have left an indelible impression upon him are ‘The Celestine Prophecy’ written by James Redfield and ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,’ the latter also featuring in the Adventures of John Salad. A book written from beginning to end in seven weeks while ‘taken-over’ by the higher forces of sheer illumination.

The Adventures of John Salad

tnbcAs an advocate of truth, Tarquin narrates explicitly the negative and positive insights principal character John Salad experiences in order to achieve his current state of balance, creativity and contentment. However ambiguous the ties appear between narrator and protagonist, Tarquin reveals an uncanny insight into the life of John Salad.

Tarquin himself is nothing but an honest bard, like Homer; sharing with us the odyssey that John Salad undertakes, in obtaining the unity of body and mind and, ultimately the unity of us all. So eradicate your suspicions to the reality of John’s voyage and unearth the secrets.  Open your soul to his message and surrender your mind to his intuitions. Alike to the way he opened his, in sharing his own encouraging message of progression and serenity. For trapped in his own body and mind, John Salad was ravaged by immense self-doubt. With incredible discoveries, faith, love and light he emancipated himself from the norms which shackle us all. By tapping into the real truth and disregarding societal pressures, John emerges as an enlightened being; willing to share his secret of spiritual progression with all of us. It all begins at the tree of life, the very tree he would have taken his mortal life from. The very tree of life which was the platform to an initiation of a dawn of new beginnings and existence. Connect with his story and that of a true narrator desiring no bias, where nothing is left unturned or unexplored. For as the narrator would argue – are we not all one? – linked as a spider’s web in the silk of life? Learn, and climb over the bridge of knowledge, love and understanding that binds us all together. Follow his journey, feel his infinite love and trust his words.



November 2, 2014 Sunday Omnibus Crossing over the Bridge Seventy-Four Panel James Redfield Author, Lecturer, Speaker and Film Producer & Tarquin Namaste Author and Musician

Crossing over the Bridge Seventy-Four Panel James Redfield Author, Lecturer, Speaker and Film Producer & Tarquin Namaste Author and Musician







James Redfield, Tarquin Namaste & David William Gibbons © 2014

Listen to program.


James Redfield is the author of The Celestine Prophecy series of booJamesRedfieldks. He grew up in Birmingham, Alabama during the tumultuous civil rights efforts there, and has pursued an interest in social reform,  the Human Potential Movement, and Consciousness Studies throughout his life.  His first book, the Celestine Prophecy was a runaway international best seller, published in over thirty-four countries and remaining on the New York Times Bestseller’s list for over 3 years, becoming the Best Selling book in the world for two years — evidence, James suggests, of the world-wide hunger for experientially based spiritual consciousness.  His subsequent books include The Tenth Insight, The Secret of Shambhala, The Celestine Vision, and God and the Evolving Universe — the latter of which was written with Michael Murphy and Sylvia Timbers.  In 2006, he was involved in the writing and production of The Celestine Prophecy Movie, released by Sony Pictures.   He frequently speaks  internationally on the direct link between mindfulness practice and higher spiritual consciousness — pointing to the experiences of Intuition, Synchronicity, and destiny  Awareness as pathways to an enlightened social transformation.  He has been awarded the prestigious Metal of the Presidency of the Italian Senate and the Humanitarian of the Year award from the International New Thought Alliance. His latest novel, The Twelfth Insight was published in 2011.












Tarquin Namaste Author and Musician

ab1p-mrNamaste is an English writer and musician born in the northern town of Blackburn, located in the county of Lancashire. His home town of Accrington in the borough of Hyndburn and former heart of traditional textile manufacturing, now represents a repressed socio-typical working-class narrative, firmly imprinted into its culture. The end of an era in manufacturing and industry prevalent in the final decades of the twentieth century, left the town forever stripped of tradition and heritage. Now in the new millennium it contends for government subsidies with bordering towns including notably, Burnley and Blackburn. Intrinsic to the northern culture and its ‘left behind’ status, music with its contentious lyrics continues to play an important role. Tarquin subsequently grew up with this inherited wave of musical consciousness. Fascinated with the subliminal messages of modern music, prompted him to study the art form at college. Later as a student at Salford University (Manchester England) he studied music and musical theory. This included research on the principle sociological elements marked by earlier folk traditions of the 1700’s through to modern-day genres.

As a graduate of Salford University (BA Hons) in Popular Musicology he became interested in the Indie culture and a ‘branch off’ known as the post-punk revival. From the latter of these and prominent between the years 2000 and 2006 emerged Bloc Party, The Strokes, Franz Ferdinand, Interpol and Artic Monkeys. These influences led to the formation of his own band Moral Panic (2009 – 2013) and features in the Adventures of John Salad. In recent times Tarquin has gained significant interest in the genre known as frequencies; in particular the advent of 432Hz. “This is where I now see music to be heading within the alternative scenes, and even popular music, (all recorded and processed at 440Hz) which is being converted into this more natural frequency by ‘enlightened’ fans around the world.”

Books that have left an indelible impression upon him are ‘The Celestine Prophecy’ written by James Redfield and ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,’ the latter also featuring in the Adventures of John Salad. A book written from beginning to end in seven weeks while ‘taken-over’ by the higher forces of sheer illumination.

The Adventures of John Salad

tnbcAs an advocate of truth, Tarquin narrates explicitly the negative and positive insights principal character John Salad experiences in order to achieve his current state of balance, creativity and contentment. However ambiguous the ties appear between narrator and protagonist, Tarquin reveals an uncanny insight into the life of John Salad.

Tarquin himself is nothing but an honest bard, like Homer; sharing with us the odyssey that John Salad undertakes, in obtaining the unity of body and mind and, ultimately the unity of us all. So eradicate your suspicions to the reality of John’s voyage and unearth the secrets.  Open your soul to his message and surrender your mind to his intuitions. Alike to the way he opened his, in sharing his own encouraging message of progression and serenity. For trapped in his own body and mind, John Salad was ravaged by immense self-doubt. With incredible discoveries, faith, love and light he emancipated himself from the norms which shackle us all. By tapping into the real truth and disregarding societal pressures, John emerges as an enlightened being; willing to share his secret of spiritual progression with all of us. It all begins at the tree of life, the very tree he would have taken his mortal life from. The very tree of life which was the platform to an initiation of a dawn of new beginnings and existence. Connect with his story and that of a true narrator desiring no bias, where nothing is left unturned or unexplored. For as the narrator would argue – are we not all one? – linked as a spider’s web in the silk of life? Learn, and climb over the bridge of knowledge, love and understanding that binds us all together. Follow his journey, feel his infinite love and trust his words.



October 7, 2014 Episode Three in the series Whole of Community Change Annalise Jennings Director Dynamic Exchange, Ms. Maryann Coconut Elder and Representative, Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council, Angie Lui & Dicky Namai

Featuring in episode three of a new long-term series Whole of Community Change Annalise Jennings Director Dynamic Exchange, Ms. Maryann Coconut Elder and Representative, Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council, Angie Lui President of the Napranum Events Committee and Dicky Namai Supervisor of the Napranum Housing Unit

Listen/view to broadcast

Annalise Jennings

aj3Annalise as the director of Dynamic Exchange has over 25 years experience in senior roles in financial services and other sectors including property and small business. Annalise is an experienced facilitator and has led business transformation in project management in large organisations and has an extensive background in risk management and organisational culture. This experience has been gained through working in India, Australia & New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Annalise has spoken on transformation and maximising human potential in a variety of business and community forums.

Annalise is passionate about teams and helping them discover healthy working relationships and celebrating success and empowerment. Annalise balances her time between key corporate engagements, her part-time career as an alternative health practitioner and has always combined her working life with parenting and study. She strongly believes in human potential and is a passionate advocate of ethical corporate and individual behaviour in the business community.

Annalise’s qualifications include a post-graduate diploma in project management. She is affiliated with the Risk Management Association of Australia and is a member of the International Association of Counsellors and Therapists.

Dynamic Exchange is the trusted partner in business and community transformation. Our mission is to support individuals, teams and communities to reach their fullest potential through discovering healthy working relationships and celebrating success and empowerment.

We believe in human potential and we are passionate advocates of ethical, corporate and individual behaviour in communities and in business.

Dynamic Exchange helps individuals and communities to:

Balance financial security

Build harmonious relationships

Build a sense of self-worth through a positive self-image

Set the agenda for change and maturity through a mindset of accountability and ownership

Develop a sense of community spirit through shared vision and an infrastructure that supports future growth

Build alliances with others by sharing solutions and partnering for joint projects

Build a legacy for future generations. Be recognised as market leaders


aj9Napranum (meaning meeting place of the people) was the site of Weipa Presbyterian Mission from 1932 to 1965. Before 1932, the original Weipa Mission was situated near Spring Creek on the upper northern reaches of the Embley River. On 1 February 1966, the church handed over control to the Queensland Government and the mission became known as Weipa South settlement. During the late 1960s the name Napranum was increasingly used by the community.

At least twelve traditional owner groups occupied the surrounding lands, however there are families living at Napranum today whose links extend to Mapoon in the north and Aurukun in the south. For example, the Thaynakwith people who have traditional links to the Andoom and Pine River area settled at both Mapoon and Weipa during the missionary period.

Additionally some people from as far away as the Ducie River and near Moreton and Mein telegraph stations came in to live at Weipa in the early 1900s. In his annual report for 1901, the Northern Protector of Aboriginals, W.E. Roth, wrote that the ‘sphere of influence of the Weipa Mission which I visited last May is gradually though slowly extending, blacks coming in now not only from Pera Head, and the upper reaches of the Batavia and Ducie Rivers, but also (a few) from the mouth of the Archer, from the Moreton [telegraph station], and from the area intermediate between Coen and Mein’.

During the 1960s people from other Aboriginal communities and the Torres Strait Islands settled at Napranum in search of work. Today about 1000 people live at Napranum.

Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council

Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council is the local authority for the Napranum community and Napranum Deed of Grant in Trust (DOGIT) lands. Its Mayor and Councillors are elected every four years. Community administration is provided by Council staff led by a Chief Executive Officer. The Council is the trustee for the Napranum DOGIT lands.

Napranum residents are employed in a wide range of community work, land and sea management, local contracting firms and mining operations.

Maryann Coconut: Community Elder and Traditional Owner. Chairperson of the Indigenous Justice Group

aj7As Councillor of the Napranum Aboriginal community, Maryann’s responsibilities include education and social services. Maryann believes education is essential to community progress. She has led the way completing a Bachelor of Community Management at Maquarie University NS.

Maryann also believes we, the people are the Caretakers of this Land; given to us by the Creator Spirit who is the Creator. We acknowledge Him with adoration and thanksgiving. We the Elders are the Gate Keepers. This is an age-old role given to us by our Ancestors. Our knowledge and wisdom of our country is still strong; and will remain invisible and well guarded in our spirit till we die. Our spirit will pass this knowledge on to the next Elder in line.

Dicky Namai Supervisor of the Napranum Housing Unit

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADicky Namai is a qualified carpenter tradesman and Supervisor of the Napranum Housing Unit. He participated in the Napranum Leaders Collaboration Program when the community’s blue print was 1st created (Nov ’11). He also participated in the Men of Worth program. (April ’13) Namai is married to Ramona and a father of 3 boys.







Angela Lui

alwcc1Angela Lui is a Senior Sport and Recreation Officer and President of the Napranum Events Committee. He is also the President of the Senior’s Rugby League Club and has a passion for community development, socio-economic development and self worth for community people. Angela also strives to build capcity in personal behaviour.